Waiting for Corvus

This feature-length film, created during lockdown, draws from Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot to satirize the Covid-19 era. Every element—from set design to cinematography, from voice acting to musical score—was a D.I.Y. production. Trailer below:


Two hands, Glynid and Hynus, are trapped together indoors, waiting for a virus that is wreaking havoc in the outer world. Glynid is an anxiety-riddled know–it–all who dogmatically follows ‘the science,’ while Hynus is an ignoramus whose nonsensical belligerence highlights the absurdity of their situation.

Connected to the outside world by a window that doubles as a screen, the waiting game soon unravels into paranoiac exchanges, conspiratorial musings, and bouts of reflection that lead to self–loathing in one hand and self–care in the other. As the objects that once held meaning to them disappear while they wait, a new reality grows around them, if only they had the eyes to see it.