CONSTANTINE MARKIDES is a writer based in New York. A former correspondent for the international daily Cyprus Mail, he has worked with CNN’s Anderson Cooper and was featured on CBC and NPR’s Marketplace. He is the coauthor of the award-winning Chasing Water, with his essays and fiction published in various magazines and journals, including Rolling Stone. Over the years, his work has also spanned photojournalism, music and film. At present, he writes on Substack at Mythery Loves Company.


Anatomical: Male, 6′3”, 195 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, genetically 1.4% Neanderthal but otherwise firmly Homo Sapiens

Occupation: Telling tall tales. See Mostly Myth for details.

Target Audience: News junkies and navelgazers.

Services Offered: Vision enhancement; full brain massage (with the occasional happy ending)

Skills: Archaeological proficiency in literary arcana of late-20th century antiquity.

Religious Affiliation: Neo-Ancient Hellenic polytheist. Affiliate with believers and non-believers alike.

Political Beliefs: Reject the politics of freedom fries. Opposed to authoritarianism except in own fiction, where despotic rule is the norm.

Philosophical Outlook: Bleak but closet bullish

Emotional Status: Variable, subject to atmospheric instabilities

Inspirational Quote: “The earth makes a sound as of sighs and the last drops fall from the emptied cloudless sky. A small boy, stretching out his hands and looking up at the blue sky, asked his mother how such a thing was possible. Fuck off, she said.” -Samuel Beckett

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